Pure and Natural Premium Bottled Teas
Everybody makes their tea differently. Our desire to serve a deliciously perfect cup of tea to everyone was born from the simple question “Are our tea leaves being enjoyed in the best possible way?” The result is these premium bottled teas filled with the goodness of selected tea leaves lovingly grown on contract farms and our very own Bio Farm, including Kagoshima’ s best – the Yutakamidori variety.
To obtain the very best in true tea flavor from our organically grown and fertilizer-free naturally cultivated tea leaves, we use a unique extraction method. We use absolutely no heating process, no chemicals, and no additives. Unlike tea that has been subject to heat, oxidation proceeds slower, which results in a pure tea that is rich in umami, flavor and fragrance. Our teas are stronger, more pure and have a heavenly flavor that you cannot ÿnd in any other straight tea drinks.
What is best for the tea leaves is also best for people. Shimodozono bottled teas was born from our love for pure tea and that is what we wish to share with the world. With these three varieties created with the delicate sensibility of the Japanese palate in mind to match any occasion and countless foods, we are leading the way in a new style of Japanese tea.

Feature 1
Organic, Naturally
Cultivated Tea
We use only organically grown, fertilizer-free, natural tea leaves from our Bio Farm or contract farms, that have soaked up the bounties of the rich land of Kagoshima. We cultivate our tea with the greatest regard for the unique qualities of each variety.
Feature 2
Carefully Selected Water
In the search for the perfect combination, we wanted to choose water that would delight the tea leaves. We realized that by using local water, like that in which each tea variety is grown, the tea leaves and water would complement each other beautifully, highlighting each other’ s unique qualities.
Feature 3
Original Extraction
Our unique extraction method, which does not use chemicals or heat, allows us to draw out more umami and richer flavor and aroma. We can bottle our tea fresh as there is no heat damage in cell composition and oxidation is avoided.
Premium Organic Tea
Fukamushicha Kagoshima Green
The ultimate umami in tea leaves.
Pure green Yutakamidori
Made with organically grown Yutakamidori tea leaves, first promoted by Shimodozono and now a leading tea variety from Kagoshima Prefecture. This tea offers abundant sweetness, a pleasant astringent aftertaste, and a clean, refreshing flavor that lingers. The pure green color exhibits the bold yet elegant qualities for which Japanese sencha (green tea) is known for. It is ideal for when you are entertaining guests; an excellent complement to the natural umami found in Japanese cuisine; a great tea to conclude a kaiseki meal; or the perfect accompaniment to fine Japanese confectionery.
Yutakamidori was brought up to the market half a century ago by the founder of Shimodozono, along with masters of tea, with the future of Kagoshima tea products riding on its back. Forty years later, a German man fell in love with it and declared it “magic water”. These days, Yutakamidori is gaining popularity, making it as famous as Kagoshima’s well-known early picked variety.
![Premium Organic Tea Fukamushicha Kawanabe Green[ユタカミドリ] 深蒸し緑茶](images/about/photo_green.jpeg)
750ml [Ingredients: Green Tea (Yutakamidori)]
How to drink: straight, on the rocks, or as a tea cocktail
[Tea and Food Pairings]
Japanese cuisine, all kinds of washoku
Hors d’oeuvres and salads
Japanese sweets
Japan-inspired Western sweets
![茶葉 Premium Organic Tea Fukamushicha Kawanabe Green[ユタカミドリ] 深蒸し緑茶](images/about/photo_s_kawanabe.png)
Kawanabe Town, Minamikyushu City, Kagoshima Prefecture
[Cultivation Method]
Organic Farming
[Organic Certification]
Organic JAS (Japan)
NOP (U.S.A.)
HOUMEI, Spring Water, Kagoshima Moderately Soft Water
This deep groundwater, drawn up from 300 meters underground at the foothills of Satsuma Mountain, is also used to make premium Satsuma shochu (Japanese distilled spirits). The soft, mild mineral water is refined by time and the multi-layered strata through which it flows just one meter over the period of a year.
Premium Natural Tea
Hojicha Kagoshima Brown
The jewel of roasted tea anticipate the flavor from the perfumed white tea flower
The tea leaves are brimming with life. They lose none of the distinctive green tea flavor even after roasting, resulting in this gem of a robust, full-bodied tea. The use of strongly alkaline mineral spring water further highlights the unique features of this tea, and brings about pleasant harmony between the rich aroma and mild astringency. With its elegant tannin aftertaste and clean fragrance, this tea pairs very well with highly seasoned foods and spicy fusion cuisine.
Tea plants are typically grown from cuttings, yielding leaves of the same color and shape. At Shimodozono, however, we grow Yamatomidori from seedlings, so a wide variety of leaves are produced. Tea plants tend to thrive in foggy, mountainous areas where highly fragrant, excellent quality varieties can be grown. We plant the Yamatomidori variety in the few areas surrounding Tarumizu City that offer the same kind of ideal environment. Almost as a reflection of the abundant natural environment in which they are grown, the tea leaves have a very prominent fresh, crisp aroma and deep mountain flavor.
![Premium Natural Tea Hojicha Tarumizu Brown[ヤマトミドリ] ほうじ茶](images/about/photo_brown.jpeg)
750ml [Ingredients: Roasted Green Tea (Yamatomidori)]
How to drink: straight, on the rocks, or as a tea cocktail
[Tea and Food Pairings]
Tempura and tonkatsu
Meat dishes
French cuisine
Chinese cuisine
Various ethnic cuisines

Tagami, Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture Yamatomidori
[Cultivation Method]
Fertilizer-Free Natural Farming
OUGAKU, Tarumizu, Kagoshima Prefecture
Alkaline, Very Soft Water
Bubbling out from 1038 meters under the Sakurajima volcanic zone, the highly alkaline (pH9.7) and naturally very soft water (0.5mg/L ) used to produce this tea has the smallest cluster value of any water in the world. This precious natural hot spring water that is so popular today first fell on the vast land and soaked deep into the earth between 150 million and 65 million years ago.
Premium Organic Tea
Benicha Kagoshima Red
Grown on an ancient misty mountain island.
Pure, naturally fermented tea
“The Alps on the Sea”, a UNESCO World Heritage site where tall, sharp mountains bring about sudden weather changes, yielding the highest level of precipitation in Japan; and home to trees thousands of years old like the Jomon Sugi – this is Yakushima. The peculiar and extreme weather variations create an environment you could call “Japan’s Darjeeling”. It is here that we grow our pure benicha (black tea). We are fastidious about the extraction time in order to achieve the quintessential crimson red hue of Japanese black tea. The refreshing acidity and sweetness sing in heavenly harmony with the supple, mild astringency.
Yabukita is well-suited to Japan’s climate, is easy to grow and offers stable yields, making it the most widely grown tea variety in Japan. Ichibancha, first-picked tea, is typically harvested from late April, and has an appealing strong fragrance and rich sweetness. Our benicha (black tea) is produced through a natural fermentation process of the Yabukita tea leaves, which are grown in the mountains of Yakushima. It is highly esteemed for its ability to maintain the delicate Japanese tea flavors, despite being a black tea.

750ml [Ingredients: Benicha (Yabukita)]
How to drink: straight, on the rocks, as a tea cocktail
[Tea and Food Pairings]
Chocolate sweets
Baked goods
Bread and sandwiches

Yakushima Town, Kumage County, Kagoshima Prefecture
[Cultivation Method]
Organic Farming
[Organic Certification]
Organic JAS (Japan)
Yakushima Town, Kumage County, Kagoshima Prefecture
[Cultivation Method]
Organic Farming
[Organic Certification]
Organic JAS (Japan)